Practice Schedule

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Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3
Practice 1 Wed 4/13 - 6:07 PM 3175 5498 3688 503 6078 2960
Practice 2 Wed 4/13 - 6:27 PM 2960 226 1918 5538 6861 302
Practice 3 Wed 4/13 - 6:38 PM 573 818 6090 107 2767 3536
Practice 4 Wed 4/13 - 6:49 PM 503 70 2960 7769 302 3602
Practice 5 Wed 4/13 - 7:01 PM 8873 4776 5535 818 51 107
Practice 6 Wed 4/13 - 7:08 PM 3603 6090 2960 3175 2832 4381
Practice 7 Wed 4/13 - 7:16 PM 7769 1918 894 5675
Practice 8 Wed 4/13 - 7:24 PM 858 2960 503 6090 5612 3536
Practice 9 Wed 4/13 - 7:33 PM 51 5538 7769 1918 573 894
Practice 10 Wed 4/13 - 7:43 PM 2960 8873 5675 70 3175 3603
Practice 11 Wed 4/13 - 8:00 PM 3602 3536 7769 2960 3688 7660
Practice 12 Wed 4/13 - 8:11 PM 818 2767 6861 4776 7769 2832
Practice 13 Wed 4/13 - 8:22 PM 5577 573 1023 226 1506 2832
Practice 14 Wed 4/13 - 8:35 PM 6861 818 2767 7660 226 3175
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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