Team 1091 - Oriole Assault (2022)

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Some content is hidden on small displays like yours. Please try rotating your device or using a larger screen to see more content.2022 Sponsors: Contact Metals/GE Healthcare Volunteers/Rockwell Automation/ACI Industries, LLC/Lutz Family Foundation/Bradley Corporation/The Hartford Area Foundation, Inc/Hartford Kettle Moraine Lion's Club/Hartford Community Service Inc/Hydro Electronics Devices Inc (HED)/Helgesen/Mantz Automation/CHW Treatment & Respite Hospice Care Foster Care/Hartford Masons No. 120/Fuel Powersports/Midwest Products/P W Walsh/Sussex Tools & Supply/Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE)/AmPac&Hartford Union High School
Regional Rankings
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Wisconsin Regional
March 23 to March 26, 2022Qualification Matches
Record: 5 Wins, 7 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 6 | Fri 3/25 - 9:37 AM | 1091 | 537 | 8700 | 1675 | 706 | 8531 | 33 | 62 |
Qualification 14 | Fri 3/25 - 10:38 AM | 8700 | 2062 | 930 | 2830 | 8802 | 1091 | 26 | 57 |
Qualification 19 | Fri 3/25 - 11:18 AM | 7900 | 1091 | 4786 | 930 | 8802 | 93 | 33 | 54 |
Qualification 24 | Fri 3/25 - 1:01 PM | 2202 | 7900 | 5148 | 3197 | 1714 | 1091 | 66 | 86 |
Qualification 29 | Fri 3/25 - 1:34 PM | 6223 | 7900 | 6381 | 6574 | 1091 | 1259 | 30 | 59 |
Qualification 36 | Fri 3/25 - 2:25 PM | 7915 | 8847 | 3418 | 1091 | 7237 | 2202 | 57 | 50 |
Qualification 44 | Fri 3/25 - 3:27 PM | 1091 | 7417 | 7915 | 4787 | 6574 | 1792 | 56 | 38 |
Qualification 51 | Fri 3/25 - 4:21 PM | 2194 | 6574 | 1714 | 2062 | 1091 | 5096 | 42 | 48 |
Qualification 62 | Fri 3/25 - 5:38 PM | 2506 | 3197 | 706 | 1792 | 2574 | 1091 | 88 | 27 |
Qualification 69 | Sat 3/26 - 9:41 AM | 1091 | 1675 | 93 | 8803 | 2830 | 1732 | 58 | 87 |
Qualification 75 | Sat 3/26 - 10:26 AM | 1732 | 1306 | 1091 | 2202 | 2194 | 6823 | 56 | 74 |
Qualification 81 | Sat 3/26 - 11:13 AM | 3596 | 1091 | 4787 | 2077 | 8701 | 2202 | 23 | 70 |
Playoff Matches
Did Not Participate Team 1091 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event
Seven Rivers Regional
March 30 to April 2, 2022Qualification Matches
Record: 7 Wins, 4 Losses and 0 Ties - 11 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 2 | Fri 4/1 - 8:59 AM | 1091 | 2451 | 2826 | 3381 | 4655 | 2220 | 71 | 57 |
Qualification 8 | Fri 4/1 - 9:46 AM | 4054 | 5148 | 6421 | 4531 | 648 | 1091 | 83 | 44 |
Qualification 22 | Fri 4/1 - 11:38 AM | 5903 | 2194 | 7619 | 1091 | 1306 | 8744 | 84 | 36 |
Qualification 27 | Fri 4/1 - 1:26 PM | 5148 | 930 | 8744 | 1091 | 5586 | 4054 | 89 | 35 |
Qualification 32 | Fri 4/1 - 2:04 PM | 2039 | 1091 | 5442 | 2826 | 8024 | 2704 | 49 | 39 |
Qualification 40 | Fri 4/1 - 3:07 PM | 930 | 1091 | 8024 | 5914 | 7021 | 171 | 80 | 81 |
Qualification 48 | Fri 4/1 - 4:12 PM | 1091 | 7021 | 7619 | 6166 | 8531 | 5019 | 86 | 44 |
Qualification 54 | Fri 4/1 - 4:57 PM | 4009 | 1716 | 1091 | 5339 | 5442 | 3723 | 46 | 23 |
Qualification 62 | Fri 4/1 - 5:49 PM | 8700 | 8782 | 8803 | 2977 | 1091 | 3723 | 44 | 48 |
Qualification 71 | Sat 4/2 - 9:43 AM | 3090 | 4011 | 8701 | 2704 | 1091 | 8803 | 39 | 46 |
Qualification 83 | Sat 4/2 - 11:29 AM | 6574 | 4021 | 1091 | 8024 | 648 | 2040 | 74 | 59 |
Playoff Matches
Did Not Participate Team 1091 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event