Team Avatar Team 4467 - Titanium Titans (2023)

2023 Robot: Helios- 2023
2023 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - FIRST Robotics Competition
2023 Sponsors: 84 Four Lumber/The Armory Youth Center/Braskem/ECI/EQT/HRT Solutions/Makrinos Plumbing/Angert Foundation/Zamagias Properties/Range Resources/BAP/Remake Learning/Washington County Manufacturers Association&Family/Community

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Miami Valley Regional

  March 15 to March 18, 2023

Qualification Matches
Rank: 15 of 50
Record: 6 Wins, 4 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 3   Fri 3/17 - 9:10 AM 3324 451 4467 4145 554 1708 87 94
Qualification 17   Fri 3/17 - 11:11 AM 451 4085 4269 128 2603 4467 27 110
Qualification 25   Fri 3/17 - 1:21 PM 2252 5492 5811 3260 4467 6936 106 86
Qualification 33   Fri 3/17 - 2:16 PM 7515 4467 4145 4504 3201 144 99 68
Qualification 41   Fri 3/17 - 3:11 PM 6936 7165 1317 3193 325 4467 95 99
Qualification 49   Fri 3/17 - 4:10 PM 4601 1014 6936 2783 4467 4085 49 82
Qualification 54   Fri 3/17 - 4:47 PM 695 1732 2399 4467 7165 554 153 136
Qualification 66 Sat 3/18 - 9:27 AM 4467 4611 5667 4121 2614 3492 114 96
Qualification 74   Sat 3/18 - 10:38 AM 4467 144 5413 4020 3504 1787 109 136
Qualification 79 Sat 3/18 - 11:14 AM 2252 3814 4467 3140 128 144 161 92
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 5

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Match 2 (R1)   Sat 3/18 - 1:48 PM 325 1787 3984 4467 2603 554 130 107
Match 5 (R2)   1038 3201 7165 4467 2603 4121 110 103

Greater Pittsburgh Regional presented by Argo AI

  April 5 to April 8, 2023

Qualification Matches
Rank: 18 of 48
Record: 5 Wins, 5 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 6   Fri 4/7 - 9:45 AM 7165 3171 378 117 120 4467 124 97
Qualification 16   Fri 4/7 - 11:12 AM 4467 9139 9022 3181 2051 117 82 101
Qualification 22   Fri 4/7 - 11:54 AM 1708 4150 3181 8705 4145 4467 110 127
Qualification 27   Fri 4/7 - 1:35 PM 3260 4467 3504 3484 1559 1591 105 140
Qualification 33   Fri 4/7 - 2:26 PM 4467 1787 3484 4027 8145 3954 145 83
Qualification 41   Fri 4/7 - 5:58 PM 2872 8243 48 8145 4467 2172 134 109
Qualification 52   Fri 4/7 - 5:17 PM 9022 7515 7274 378 4467 2053 57 138
Qualification 57   Sat 4/8 - 9:00 AM 4467 2051 4085 8393 2638 2053 102 132
Qualification 67   Sat 4/8 - 10:24 AM 8222 1781 8861 3193 3181 4467 101 140
Qualification 76   Sat 4/8 - 11:36 AM 4467 677 9004 379 4991 120 110 108
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 4

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Match 2 (R1)   Sat 4/8 - 2:25 PM 120 4145 4467 4085 378 7165 158 121
Match 7 (R2)   1591 930 2656 4467 4145 120 182 123
Match 9 (R3)   120 4145 4467 379 1787 59 113 168