Team 9993 - Off-Season Demo Team (2023)

2023 Sponsors: FIRST Off-Season Demo Team

Regional Rankings

Team 9993's 2023 Awards

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PNW Block Party

  October 28 to October 29, 2023

Qualification Matches
Rank: 18 of 33
Record: 6 Wins, 6 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 4 Sat 10/28 - 11:09 AM 9990 9988 9993 9991 9992 2522 102 92
Qualification 8 Sat 10/28 - 1:03 PM 9993 5920 2557 5941 5937 9988 111 63
Qualification 15 Sat 10/28 - 2:00 PM 948 9991 4512 6350 2412 9993 105 79
Qualification 19 Sat 10/28 - 2:33 PM 5920 6350 9992 9993 2930 5937 66 116
Qualification 27 Sat 10/28 - 3:51 PM 4512 9999 9993 4173 2990 5920 87 107
Qualification 30 Sat 10/28 - 4:15 PM 2910 948 2412 9993 2522 6390 191 70
Qualification 34 Sat 10/28 - 4:50 PM 2412 9994 9988 4682 9993 360 82 132
Qualification 42 Sat 10/28 - 5:58 PM 1778 9993 1540 4911 8051 5920 106 72
Qualification 49 Sun 10/29 - 9:03 AM 7627 9998 4911 9993 2990 7461 103 82
Qualification 52 Sun 10/29 - 9:29 AM 9999 9988 9998 948 9993 4911 90 120
Qualification 57 Sun 10/29 - 10:08 AM 9994 9991 9993 1540 3663 2557 87 140
Qualification 63 Sun 10/29 - 10:53 AM 9992 9993 1899 7461 9999 2412 80 115
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 3 of Alliance 4

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Match 9 (R3) Sun 10/29 - 2:30 PM Alliance 4 Alliance 7



3663 9993 1540 7461 948 9991