Team 6652 - Tigres (2024)

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From: Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
Rookie Year: 2017
2024 Robot: ROAr
2024 Sponsors: AMI Automation/John Deere&Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León&Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica
Regional Rankings
2024 Sponsors: AMI Automation/John Deere&Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León&Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica
Regional Rankings
Team 6652's 2024 Awards
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Regional Monterrey presented by PrepaTec
February 28 to March 2, 2024Qualification Matches
Record: 4 Wins, 6 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 2 | Fri 3/1 - 9:15 AM | 6106 | 4723 | 6652 | 5948 | 6647 | 4635 | 18 | 54 |
Qualification 13 | Fri 3/1 - 11:26 AM | 6483 | 6652 | 6017 | 7421 | 4403 | 6170 | 41 | 58 |
Qualification 19 | Fri 3/1 - 12:22 PM | 9065 | 7546 | 3522 | 6652 | 4584 | 5932 | 46 | 17 |
Qualification 23 | Fri 3/1 - 1:04 PM | 9213 | 7725 | 5887 | 5133 | 6652 | 3794 | 15 | 22 |
Qualification 31 | Fri 3/1 - 2:21 PM | 5716 | 6647 | 6832 | 5887 | 4010 | 6652 | 28 | 14 |
Qualification 43 | Fri 3/1 - 4:44 PM | 6676 | 8740 | 3526 | 4735 | 6652 | 4775 | 8 | 33 |
Qualification 50 | Fri 3/1 - 5:35 PM | 6652 | 9280 | 5959 | 3933 | 4723 | 9301 | 38 | 27 |
Qualification 53 | Sat 3/2 - 9:00 AM | 4371 | 8740 | 3478 | 6652 | 4400 | 9282 | 38 | 31 |
Qualification 59 | Sat 3/2 - 9:54 AM | 3522 | 9593 | 6652 | 4775 | 4782 | 3794 | 40 | 27 |
Qualification 74 | Sat 3/2 - 12:11 PM | 6652 | 7725 | 6647 | 9280 | 3158 | 9053 | 41 | 48 |
Playoff Matches
Alliance Selection: Round 2 of Alliance 8
Rocket City Regional
April 3 to April 6, 2024Qualification Matches
Record: 6 Wins, 4 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 6 | Fri 4/5 - 9:39 AM | 3140 | 6652 | 5002 | 3959 | 9073 | 5005 | 37 | 18 |
Qualification 12 | Fri 4/5 - 10:25 AM | 6652 | 9702 | 5045 | 3984 | 3140 | 5410 | 22 | 61 |
Qualification 19 | Fri 4/5 - 11:23 AM | 6652 | 9435 | 538 | 2393 | 7725 | 5002 | 15 | 12 |
Qualification 29 | Fri 4/5 - 1:51 PM | 7111 | 3966 | 6652 | 4306 | 2481 | 3139 | 39 | 92 |
Qualification 36 | Fri 4/5 - 2:47 PM | 9702 | 9067 | 8772 | 323 | 6652 | 2481 | 51 | 60 |
Qualification 41 | Fri 4/5 - 3:28 PM | 9476 | 323 | 120 | 3984 | 6517 | 6652 | 49 | 66 |
Qualification 49 | Fri 4/5 - 4:28 PM | 7717 | 6652 | 3959 | 4635 | 3824 | 4499 | 19 | 94 |
Qualification 60 | Sat 4/6 - 9:16 AM | 34 | 5557 | 6107 | 8841 | 6652 | 5410 | 46 | 58 |
Qualification 66 | Sat 4/6 - 10:06 AM | 4265 | 5002 | 7111 | 2638 | 547 | 6652 | 67 | 66 |
Qualification 71 | Sat 4/6 - 10:49 AM | 2973 | 8624 | 547 | 6652 | 4635 | 1466 | 15 | 53 |
Playoff Matches
Did Not Participate Team 6652 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event
FIRST Championship - FIRST Robotics Competition - Hopper Division sponsored by Molex
April 17 to April 20, 2024Qualification Matches
Record: 2 Wins, 8 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 3 | Thu 4/18 - 8:29 AM | 3175 | 3627 | 6652 | 3006 | 9584 | 9072 | 56 | 90 |
Qualification 23 | Thu 4/18 - 11:20 AM | 6652 | 2834 | 8891 | 3494 | 8188 | 3128 | 53 | 108 |
Qualification 32 | Thu 4/18 - 1:54 PM | 5715 | 6652 | 4230 | 8592 | 9455 | 68 | 87 | 71 |
Qualification 50 | Thu 4/18 - 4:31 PM | 3357 | 8613 | 5809 | 6647 | 1781 | 6652 | 143 | 71 |
Qualification 62 | Thu 4/18 - 6:02 PM | 195 | 8159 | 2079 | 6328 | 6652 | 8013 | 82 | 109 |
Qualification 72 | Fri 4/19 - 9:09 AM | 2079 | 8576 | 6652 | 7712 | 5232 | 88 | 68 | 85 |
Qualification 82 | Fri 4/19 - 10:32 AM | 4481 | 9421 | 1325 | 3310 | 6652 | 302 | 110 | 105 |
Qualification 99 | Fri 4/19 - 2:14 PM | 8214 | 6574 | 3134 | 9421 | 6652 | 3641 | 64 | 45 |
Qualification 109 | Fri 4/19 - 3:33 PM | 108 | 4230 | 4270 | 6652 | 687 | 192 | 106 | 77 |
Qualification 117 | Fri 4/19 - 4:28 PM | 6652 | 2370 | 6615 | 9726 | 33 | 5705 | 51 | 72 |
Playoff Matches
Did Not Participate Team 6652 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event
FIRST Championship - FIRST Robotics Competition
April 17 to April 20, 2024
No Matches Yet This team is not yet listed in a Qualification or Playoff schedule at this event.