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Rhode Warriors
NAVSEA Undersea Warfare Center / Nordson Corporation / EFD Inc. / Raytheon / Rite Solutions / Hasbro, Inc. / University of Rhode Island / OSHEAN / Tech Collective / CVS Caremark Charitable Trust / RI Economic Development Corporation / BAE SYSTEMS & Middletown High School & Portsmouth High School & Tiverton High School & Mount Hope High School
Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association/D. E. Shaw & Co./Con Edison/The Wallace Foundation/Yvette & Larry Gralla/Time, Inc./Cox & Company, Inc/Credit Suisse/Verizon & Stuyvesant High School
Fe Maidens
The Alumni Association of The Bronx High School of Science/Credit Suisse/The Hennessy Family Foundation/Bloomberg/ConEdison & The Bronx High School of Science
The Grasshoppers
Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College/NH Charitable Foundation/Chroma Technology/Cedarwood Technical Service/Hypertherm/Chicago Soft, Ltd/Warren Loomis/Geokon, Inc. & Lebanon High School
The Rocketeers
HostRocket.com/General Electric Volunteers/Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute/Advanced Manufacturing Techniques Inc./Viatalk/Lockheed Martin-KAPL/Bank of America/BAE SYSTEMS & Shenendehowa High School
Code Red Robotics
Advion/Autodesk/BAE Systems/BorgWarner Morse TEC/CBORD/Incodema/IPEI/Kionix/Loyal Order of the Moose-Ithaca, NY Lodge 666/TransCOR Information Technologies/Vergason/VFW Post 961 & Ithaca High School
Team "Gus"
Bristol-Myers Squibb/Meriden Board Of Education/Big Country Hickory Pit BBQ/R&D Precision & Maloney High School & Platt High School & Wilcox Technical High School
The Hennessy Family Foundation/The Alumni Association of The Bronx High School of Science/ConEdison/Kepco Inc./Parent Association of The Bronx High School of Science/Providge Consulting/The Ackman Family Foundation/Snapple & The Bronx High School of Science